Friday, April 8, 2011

Nesting Jays

Steller's jays have finally discovered our yard! Our birch trees to be exact. A pair cruised by this morning, one had a beakfull of nesting material gathered from our birch trees -- just the tender tips of the branches. It looked like tassels when it shook its head.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fooled

My coworkers fooled me while I was at lunch today. Brilliant!


A hypnotic pink froth entrances young and old, 
Lures us into parks and down tree-lined allĂ©es, 
Invites us to pause in the shower of delicate petals 
And drink our fill of spring.

Kyoto, Japan

Ueno Park, Tokyo, Japan

Sakura to go, Ueno Park, Tokyo, Japan

Celebrating the Buddha's birth, Ueno Park, Tokyo, Japan

Sankei-en, Yokohama, Japan

Salted cherry blossoms

Wagashi shaped like a cherry blossom

Sakura mochi, Kyoto-style
More photos here: