Saturday, January 22, 2011

Rainy Day Nikko, Linoleum Print

This print began as a photograph taken of Nikko Kitty as she looked out the window on a rainy day. I turned it into a high-contrast image in Photoshop, then traced it on to the linoleum block. Nikko frequently interrupted the process for ear scratching or to beg a dose of catnip. This final print was done with water-based ink on paper handmade from recycled cotton rag kaishi, paper used for handling sweets during the Japanese tea ceremony.

Final print on handmade paper

Photo with increased contrast, traced on linoleum and ready to carve

Nikko insisting it's time for a break

Finished block


  1. So cool! I want to play with lino prints, too.

  2. Very cool! All in one evening?

  3. Thanks Kathy! Last Friday I worked on the digital file, then printed it out and traced onto the block. Then this Friday I carved the block and pulled these proofs. I think next Friday I'll print an edition of cards and maybe a few prints on some good paper. FNAP win!
